Bistro Nemo


En unik restaurantoplevelse i hjertet af Christiania


A unique culinary experience in the heart of Christiania

Wellcome to Bistro Nemo

Christiania’s coziest restaurant.

Come on in, free your mind and feel our love for food. 

Opening hours:
Every day from 11-21

Dish of the week

Each week we serve a danish everyday meal made to fit the seasons produce.

Prices from 125,- per person.



Alle retter er forretsstørrelse, og vi anbefaler 3-5 stk. pr. person inklusive tilbehør

All dishes are starter size and we recommend 3-5 dishes pr. person including sides


Kold Ærtesuppe – Chilled Pea Soup 85,-

Friske ærter, dildolie og et strejf af Prosecco

Fresh peas, dill oil, and a splash of Prosecco


Burrata 85,-

Fløde Burrata fra La Treccia parret med friske og dehydrerede tomater, drysset med balsamico og 

afsluttet med et strejf af citron-infuseret olivenolie, croutoner og rød mizuna

Creamy burrata from La Treccia paired with fresh and dehydrated tomatoes, drizzled with balsamic and 

finished with a hint of lemon-infused olive oil, croutons and red mizuna


Gambas 95,-

Rejer stegt i lerfad med hvidløgsolie, serveret med frisk persille

Tender shrimp baked in a clay bowl with garlic oil, fresh parsley


Okse Tartar – Beef Tartar 95,-

Håndhakket oksekød rørt med cognac og sennep, og toppet med fermenteret kimchi mayo 

med sprødt rugbrød, syltede skalotteløg, karse og eddikesne

Hand-minced beef mixed with cognac and a mustard and topped with a fermented kimchi mayo 

Served with crunchy rye bread, pickled shallots, cress, and vinegar snow. 


Arancini 95,-

Fritteret risottokugler serveret med aioli og løvstikke-dild-støv

Golden fried risotto balls served with aioli and lovage-dill dust


Moules Frites 145,-

Økologiske line blåmuslinger kogt med hvidvin, skalotteløg, hvidløgsolie, og serveret med pommes frites og aioli

Organic line farmed blue mussels cooked with white wine shallots, garlic oil, and, served with fries and aioli


Dagens fisk Smør pocheret – Todays Fish Poched in Butter 135,- 

Smør pocheret hvid fisk med mosede ærter, majroe og en fennikelsalat. Serveret med skummet hummerbisque

Tender poached fish with mushy peas, turnips, and a fennel salad. Served with foamed lobster bisque


Grillet Bavette Medium Rare 135

Grillet bavette serveret med ristede gulerødder, gulerodspuré, kartoffel og trøffelskum, karamelliserede løgskaller og sherrysauce

Grilled bavette steak served with roasted carrots and carrot puree, truffle potato foam, caramelized onion shells and sherry sauce



Tilbehør – Sides 

Kartofler – Potatoes 35,-

Små kartofler kogt i smør emulsion, serveret med karse

Small potatoes cooked in a butter emulsion, served with cress

Ratatouille 35,-

En livlig blanding af sæsonbetonede grøntsager, simret til en hjertelig og smagfuld ret

A vibrant medley of seasonal vegetables, a hearty and flavorful dish

Timian og oste fritter – Thyme Cheese Fries 35,-

Gyldne pommes frites toppet med ost og et strejf af timian

Golden French fries topped with cheese and a sprinkle of thyme

Lille Salat – Side Salad 35,-

Hjertesalat vendt i en senneps-vinaigrette, toppet med sprøde wasabi peanuts

Gem salad tossed in a mustard vinaigrette, topped with crunchy wasabi peanuts

Brød og Smør – Bread and Butter 25,-

Hjemmebagt brød og smør 

Home baked bread and butter



Kokkens Valg

7 serveringer til at dele valgt af vores kokke – pr. person 375,- (Skal bestilles af hele bordet/min. 2 personer)

Tilføj 3 glas vin, valgt af vores tjenere 250,

Chefs Choice

Sharing menu of 7 servings chosen by our chefs – pr. pers. 375  (Must be ordered by the entire table/min. 2 persons)

Add 3 glasses of wine, chosen by our waiters 250,-

Bistro Nemo

OBS. Booking of parties over 10 people must happen via email: 

We will do our best to reach back to you within 24 hours.


At Bistro Nemo we gladly arrange parties, both in and out of our restaurant. If wanted, we also like to create a special menu after arrangement with our chefs to the best of your liking. Call us at +45 27 33 66 66


At Bistro Nemo we offer cozy surroundings year-round both inside and outside. In the summer we serve on the square in front of Nemoland as well as in our beautiful Family Garden, which always proposes a nice meal amidst gorgeous flowers and pleasant nature.

When the winter comes around, we seek inside and serve in our warm and atmospheric restaurant. Here we welcome larger parties, and our waiters always make an extra effort to care for the individual guest and help create a unique experience.  

At Bistro Nemo the French and the Nordic kitchens are combined. We adapt our menu to the seasonal produce but always make sure that our old classics can be found on our card.

We also serve blackboard dishes, that change from day to day depending on the creativity of the chef., der skifter fra dag til dag, baseret på kokkens kreativitet.