Café Nemoland has definitely changed with time. We have gone from being an occupied, underground shooting range to a dingy pub to now being a bar & bistro and a venue, where there’s room for everybody.
When the military decided to close the barracks on Bådmandsstræde in the late 1960s, no one could have imagined in their wildest dreams that the 32-hectare area would develop into what is arguably the most unique district in the world. The fact that this historic event was even possible can be attributed to the military’s belief that they could let the area and its many preservation-worthy buildings fall into complete decay, disregarding the concerns of the local Christianshavn residents.
But it was not meant to be that way. A small group of residents took “a plank in their own hands” and with it, they knocked a hole in the fence into the barrack area. The idea was to use the facilities for recreational purposes and more. Thieves and metal scavengers came, and their vandalism quickly showed that there was no supervision or control here. However, that also meant that the youth of the time, the so-called hippes and countless Scandinavian backpackers found a free place to live.
The Man Nemo
Because of the “occupation”, there would soon be no place that wasn’t occupied or inhabited – apart from the hole in the ground that used to be the military’s old shooting ranges in the moat. It was in these buried ranges a young man named Nemo moved in and started selling fresh fruit and vegetables for the occupants.
In the beginning, Nemoland was almost like a hole in the ground. In the first half of this era, Bullshit MC was in charge of the pub Nemo. Some will say, that Bullshit wasn’t a real “MC CLUB”, but instead it was individualized, with each member having their own dream of a life above the “comic book level”. The members of Bullshit included many notable personalities, whereof many are said to live quiet family lives outside of the freetown today.
After all, the limit was reached when Bullshits “businesses” in town affected all of Christiania with violence, shootings, murder and body disposal. The Christianits would not tolerate it and decided at a short assembly to throw out Bullshit MC.
Two big personalities acknowledged this gesture by beginning a thorough reconstruction of the pub Nemo. Of course, there was a ban on photography – nobody wanted to be immortalized in their gang-jackets.
The pub Nemo quite frankly took a U-turn. The field in front of Nemo was cleared and leveled, and you could experience the famous Christiania-painter KAZMIR, who has painted many anniversary paintings for Christiania. Nemo had now become the place, where you could have a good time, even without a penny in your pocket. Often there would be different theme-parties and live music, always with free entrance. At the end of the era, the “hole in the ground” had evolved to what we know today as Café Nemoland, where only a few administrative measures needed to be taken to make the authorities outside of the fence recognize Nemoland. All in all, a period where rockers were replaced with suburbia.
Christianits are usually neither dumb nor naïve, but a majority was convinced, that the renovation only was to camouflage a place for rockers. Many natives however, had enough people-knowledge that they during their visits got so much insight in the genuine intentions of the place, that they with time became Nemoland’s best ambassadors, which the café was and is very grateful for. Thank you.
Christiania is parted into 15 small areas/communes. Nemoland falls under “Fabriksområdet” (the factory area) along with the recycling center “The Green Hall” , Grøntsagen, the Moon fisher, and Morgenstedet all which are cafés and restaurants and then off course also our local grocery store “Indkøberen”.
“Fabriksområdet” is the part of Christiania that houses the largest part of the 500.000-750,000 yearly tourists who visit the freetown.
Christiania’s businesses and their activities are based on an agreement with the local area’s representative assembly, a so-called “Usage Rights Agreement.” The assembly receives, processes, rejects, or approves the businesses’ applications regarding all activities, etc. Anyone who has attended a “Christiania/area meeting” must be amazed at how it is possible to reach a decision on a matter that only to a small extent relies on democracy, knowledge, and experience. Therefore, a sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU is due to the individuals who over the years, at the aforementioned meetings, have represented Nemo and later Café Nemoland. And not least, a big THANK YOU to the area representatives who, also over the years, through their positive attitude, have contributed to Café Nemoland’s historical development.
In 1991 rules were established, and they would be applicable to Café Nemoland from then on. It has not been possible to purchase hash from us at Café Nemoland, which also has a ban on smoking hash indoors in consideration of our non-smoking coworkers and guests. When the authoritative representatives conduct inspection visits, it usually happens with mutual respect from all present parties.
Even the area representatives understand Nemoland’s requests for different actions and activities, like the popular VIP-parties, that have become a returning cultural highlight. We at Café Nemoland see the café as a part of our lives. We care about making sure that all of Christianias guests are offered a fascinating and orderly visit, no matter the season or their economical status.
The time around the turn of the millennium was a terrific time for Nemoland. The staff was working hard, and the management helped with making the ship sail in the right direction. In the summers, visitors could now enjoy all the new plants that suddenly inhabited the square, making Nemoland one of Copenhagens most beautiful outside areas with exotic palm trees and 100 year-old olive trees. The outside-bar was rebuilt along with a new VIP-terrasse on the moat after many applications for the board of directors. Nemoland and the bistro had become a well regarded place.
There was and is room for all cultures and layers of society and our cheery arrangements have filled the square with people from every corner of the world. You can sit and enjoy life without looking behind your shoulder out of fear of being recognized or caught.
Things came to an end when law enforcement occupied the freetown and Nemoland in 2004. The free hash market would be brought down with violence, law and power. Because of this, police was massively present every day and could with the power of a new law fine people 2000DKK for smoking cannabis… Around 3500 fines were given in a week! This led to Nemoland having some hard conditions in this time. The customers stayed away because of the police’s occupation of the freetown. Along with three bad, rainy summers in a row, this made sure the cash register was empty. In January 2007, a new management slowly formed.
The first thing the new management embarked on was an economic rationalization and a change in leadership style. A bit of hippie style crept in with psychedelic colors on the walls and a lot of abstract art painted on facades and sculptures – it was like back to reality. New furniture was purchased for the bar, so customers really could see the change. Many worked voluntarily for several months to get the “ship” on the right course, and thus Nemoland could consist of many dedicated employees.
Success has a lot to do with timing and networking (and perhaps a little luck). All three things came together for Nemoland from 2007 to 2008. The summer was sunny, and the audience visited the city again, despite the elevated presence and harassment from the police. The culture shifted throughout Christiania, and the free town could in that sense be allowed to be a culture with celebration and colors and more events, which we quickly realized was the road to better times.
So, Nemoland started arranging free concerts. The idea was that the Sundays would eventually start generating revenue, so the action didn’t exclusively happen on Fridays and Saturdays. Sundays have always been the day to recover after partying, and absolutely nothing happened at the bar on those days. Nemoland was to become what offered people free music experiences in the 1980s – the 5-øren on Amager Strand. Success didn’t come immediately. We bet widely with music on both Thursday and Sunday! Fortunately, through networking, we allied ourselves with a person who has lived in the Danish music world for many years. We experimented for the first 3-4 years and then chose to change our style and THINK BIG. We decided to become more mainstream, which meant only Sunday concerts, but with big established names from the Danish music scene. With that vision and mission, we have now managed to lift Nemoland and Christiania’s reputation to be a place where the music really plays (at least on Sundays).
Another mission and challenge we’ve had is learning to manage a kitchen. In July we have had the leadership of Nemo’s Kitchen under us for 8 years and maintain a high quality in the food we serve on the plates! We now have a dedicated and loyal staff in the kitchen, who have elevated the production and quality, making not only the management proud and happy but also our dining customers. The mission with the food is not entirely completed, but we are taking cautious steps in the right direction, and we have created growth and jobs in today’s Denmark and in Christiania.
In addition to the mission of providing good food and free concerts for the people, as a cultural association, we’ve through the years had a goal of continually improving the working environment for our staff. It took a few years before the finances were completely in place, but then we resumed an old tradition with a cultural trip for all staff. It all actually started back in 1995/96 when there was talk of a staff trip to Thailand, which was never realized. In the years that followed, trips to Holland and Iceland were organized. In more recent times, we’ve been to the USA, Spain, and Germany. These staff trips provide inspiration for innovation within our own association, and they give the staff a whole new perspective on their workplace – while also strengthening social relationships among the staff.
The management’s future mission with Nemoland is to continue renewing the place so that year after year, we can upgrade customers’ visiting experiences. Projects and renewal are also catalysts for not becoming too complacent. Through renewal and projects, we are constantly evolving, providing both management and staff with many new challenges to make things come together in a higher unity. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the same goes for Nemoland – it has taken many years to transform the place. A newly decorated restaurant, new, beautiful toilets inside and out, a new large stage, manor house tiles throughout the square and backstage – all financed by the association itself. This can only be achieved by having a staff that is stable and hardworking and a management team that is just as committed, dedicated and familiar with the business processes – and it must be said that everyone is!
In the coming years, Nemoland will strive to become even more environmentally friendly in terms of energy and waste.
Already, we use pellet boilers instead of oil boilers, as we were connected to Christiania’s largest neighboring pellet boiler 3 years ago. This year, we have taken yet another step in the right direction by installing a 120m2 solar panel roof, which helps us become even greener as it covers 5-10% of our annual electricity consumption. Next year, our goal is to switch at least 60% of our single-use service and packaging to be biodegradable. Ultimately, our aim is to reach 100%.
We believe it is important to be a pioneering company, especially in terms of the environment in Christiania (and worldwide), as we love our green Mother Earth and especially our green oasis, Christiania. So next time you visit Nemoland – don’t worry – you can get a Green Tuborg with a clear conscience.
It’s no secret that Café Nemoland and especially all of Christiania has an alternative view on hash, compared to many others. We wish to make it clear to our guests what we accept, and what we do not.
Café Nemoland supports the legalization of cannabis and is of the opinion that it is up to the individual person whether they want to smoke weed or not. However, we ask you not to smoke on our area as long as it’s illegal.
Café Nemoland only supports the legalization of cannabis and look down on other drugs, like cocaine.
We don’t accept the use of hard drugs, which can lead to permanent quarantine from the café and the rest of Christiania. We ask our guests to accept this and wish everybody a good day and night.
Nemoland var i starten på det nærmeste et hul i jorden. I første halvdel af denne periode, styrede Bullshit MC på værtshuset Nemo.
Nogen vil mene, at Bullshit ikke var en rigtig “MC KLUB”, men derimod var individualiser med hver sin drøm om et liv over “tegneserieniveauet”. Bullshits medlemmer omfattede adskillige markante personligheder hvoraf mange af dem i dag lever efter sigende et roligt familieliv uden for Fristaden.
Grænsen var dog nået, da Bullshits “forretninger” ude i byen, i sådan grad påvirkede livet på hele Christiania med vold, skudepisoder, drab og ligskænding. Det ville Christianitterne ikke finde sig i og vedtog ved et kort fællesmøde at sætte Bullshit MC på porten og sådan blev det.
To store personligheder kvitterede for denne gestus, ved at påbegynde en gennemgribende omstrukturering af værtshuset Nemo. I sagens natur var der fotoforbud på og omkring hele værtshuset – ingen havde noget ønske om at blive foreviget i sin kojakke med den skidende tyr på ryggen.
Værtshuset Nemo tog rent ud sagt en “kovending”. Græsmarken foran Nemo blev ryddet og planeret, og man kunne opleve den berømte Christiania maler KAZMIR, som har malet mange jubilæumsbilleder for Christiania. Nemo var nu blevet stedet, hvor man selv uden penge på lommen kunne komme og hygge sig. Der blev ofte afholdt forskellige tema-fester med live-musik, og altid med gratis adgang.
I slutningen af perioden var “hullet i jorden” blevet til det, vi i dag kender som Cafe Nemoland, hvor kun nogle få administrative forhold manglede at blive bragt i en sådan orden, at myndighederne uden for plankeværket anerkendte Nemoland.
Alt i alt en periode hvor rockerskabet blev udskiftet med borgerskabet.